Friday, December 13, 2013

Bob the Savannah Cat - Entry 021

Happy Friday the 13th!  

I got to play with Mommy's special hat today and it was a lot of fun.

We played Peek-A-Boo!

Then Mommy put her special hat on and made a kissy face.

I can't resist the kissy face!!!  I love kisses almost as much as I love playing in the toilet!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bob the Savannah Cat - Entry 020

With Kris Pickel from WKYC Channel 3 News
Oh boy, I sure am tired tonight.  Being Mommy's special helper is hard work.  Today we had to get up early and I didn't get my morning snuggles.  I did not like that.  Then, I didn't get to help Mommy take her bath.  I didn't like that either.  The worst part though was when ALL my toys got put away.  I REALLY did not like that at all.  

Then the nice news lady came to interview me but Mommy kept getting in the way.  After I showed off my best Serval impression, I let Mommy finish up the interview.  When it was over and the nice news lady left, I got to have all my toys back!  We were too tired to play though so we took a nap and I finally got my morning snuggles!  Life is good.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bob the Savannah Cat - Entry 019

Hi, Everybody!  Whew!  Being Mommy's special helper is really hard work. Sometimes it's a little messy too.  Today I helped her take a bath.  We were having so much fun, things got a bit out of control and I fell in.  Don't worry...I was very careful not to scratch her.  

Mommy said these are the only photos from our bath time fun today that I can share with you because the others are inappropriate and might draw the wrong kind of crowd.  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Bob the Savannah Cat - Entry 018

Hi, everyone!  I had another exciting day yesterday.  I made a new friend!  His name is Froggy.  He doesn't say anything or move around.  He can blow steam out of his eyeballs though, which is really cool!  After I was done playing with Froggy I sat on Mommy's lap and she said I felt like a soggy Teddybear.